
  • 政治学(主修和副修)

The 政治科学 major equips you to become a leader and citizen who can influence local, 国家, and global politics and public policy informed by Christian faith and tradition. 作为SPU政治学专业的学生, you will wrestle with some of the most fundamental questions underlying faith and the political order.

  • 这是什么关系? between Christian principles and public policy?
  • 基督徒如何做榜样 both the character and truth of Jesus Christ in the public square?
  • 网易彩票app应该怎样生活 in local, 国家, and global community?

To assist in the exploration of these questions, you will receive broad training in political philosophy; governance at the local, 国家, and global levels; law; public policy; inter国家 relations; and the political behavior of individuals, 组, 全球行动者. You are also provided with peer support and co-curricular activities through the SPU Political Union, 一个无党派的学生团体.

了解更多网易彩票app这个项目的信息 mission, vision, and learning outcomes.



  • A minimum 55 credits are required for this major, 包括34个高年级学分.
  • 课程包括通用核心课程, which include courses such as American Government & 政治, 比较政治制度, 政治制度理论, 政治分析方法. 
  • Students also chose electives from areas such as U.S. 系统、国际事务 & Global Systems, Inter国家 Political Economy, and Experiential Learning.
  • Students may complete a study abroad program or approved experiential learning activity instead of an internship.




The 政治学辅修 allows you to complement your chosen major with some general political science coursework.

  • 至少需要30个学分, 包括15个高年级学分.
  • SPU requires you to earn at least 15 credits of this minor at SPU, 10 of which must be upper-division credits.

Entering and completing the major or minor 

In order to earn a degree, you must complete at least one academic major. SPU encourages students to explore various academic paths, so if you change your mind about a major or minor, or want to include an additional program, 你可以这样做, 如下所述.

Note that the University encourages you to enter your chosen major(s) and minor(s) by the start of your junior year. Students who transfer as juniors and seniors should enter a major within their first two quarters at SPU.

  • 如果这是你在西雅图大学的第一节课 and you identified the 政治科学 major as your first choice on your application for admission to the University, 你已经进入专业了.
  • To change to or add a major or minor in this department, 遵循以下说明.
  • The University requires a grade of C- or better in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, programs may require higher minimum grades in specific courses. You may repeat an SPU course only once for a higher grade.
  • 为了在这个项目中取得进展, meet with your faculty advisor regularly to discuss your grades, 课程进展, and other indicators of satisfactory academic progress. If your grades or other factors indicate that you may not be able to successfully complete the major or minor, your faculty advisor can work with you to explore options, which may include choosing a different major or minor.
  • You must complete the major or minor requirements that are in effect in the SPU 本科目录 for the year you enter the major or minor.


Certification With Elementary Education Endorsement

If you plan to teach in an elementary school and are interested in teaching 政治科学 or Geography, 你必须主修 综合研究专业 with a concentration in social sciences. Further information can be found on the 教育学院网站.

Certification With Secondary Education Endorsement

If you plan to obtain secondary Residency Teacher Certification with an endorsement in 政治科学, you should pursue a BA in 政治科学, 你也必须完成 requirements for a Secondary Education Endorsement 通过教育学院.


课程计划: 建议课程顺序