
All students completing a first bachelor’s degree at 网易彩票下载 are governed by the following requirements and policies:


  • 大学水平至少180分 季度信贷. 
  • 至少获得60学分 在高年级(UD)课程 (those numbered 3000–4999), including at least 23 in the 主要.
  • 至少有45个大学学分 居住收入 as a matriculated student, including at least 15 in the 主要 and 10 in a minor. (通过以下途径获得的学分 审查信用 at SPU do not satisfy the residence requirement.) 
  • At least 25 of your final 45 学分 for the degree must be earned through SPU, with the exception of approved 出国留学 学分. 
  • Satisfactory completion of your academic 主要.
    • Students completing the BA in 文科荣誉 主要 must satisfactorily complete a second 主要.
  • 全部完成 通识教育要求.
  • Demonstration of competency in a foreign language, either through coursework or one of the means outlined under 外语能力
  • 完成 “W”的要求. This requirement is different than and separate from the Academic Inquiry and Writing requirement.
  • 完成 Cultural Understanding and Engagement (提示)要求. 
  • A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 在所有与学位相关的课程中. 
  • A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in all college-level courses taken at SPU. 


  • With the exception of courses from pre-approved 出国留学 programs, no more than 30 学分 may be earned from another institution after a student has matriculated at SPU. 
  • You must gain pre-approval for transfer credit from an academic counselor before enrolling at any other institution.
  • 转让信用政策 are found in the 招生 section of this catalog.
  • You may not take courses concurrently from SPU and another institution during the regular academic year (Autumn through Spring quarters) unless participating in an approved 出国留学 program. 
  • “Pass” grades do not fulfill requirements 大调的或小调的, in the 通识教育 curriculum (except UCOL 1000 University Colloquium), 或者在荣誉课程中. 
  • All degree requirements for a 主要 or minor are determined by the 本科目录 in effect when you are accepted to the 主要 or minor.
    • 例如,如果你被录取了 2020年秋季学期的专业, you are subject to all 主要 requirements listed in the 2020–21 本科目录.
  • Most new students are admitted to a 主要 along with admission to the University, since most SPU 主要s are open enrollment 主要s.
  • If not in an open enrollment 主要, or if seeking a second 主要, students are encouraged to apply no later than April of their sophomore year, or as soon as they are eligible based on that 主要’s admission policies and procedures.
  • Transfer students who enter as juniors or seniors should apply to a 主要 as soon as they are eligible based on that 主要's admission policies and procedures.
  • Students on academic probation (with an SPU cumulative GPA below 2.0) will not be permitted to enter a new 主要 or minor until they regain good academic standing.
  • The University requires a grade of C- or better in all classes that apply to a 主要 or minor; however, some programs may require higher minimum grades in specific courses or in all courses.
  • You may repeat an SPU course only once for a higher grade. (Exceptions to this policy included UFDN, WRI, UCOR课程, which may repeated until a sufficiently high grade is earned.)
  • You may not repeat a course in which you earned a grade of A, except in courses designated as repeatable for credit.
  • 主要和次要应用 are available online in Banner, in most cases.
  • The quarter in which you complete your final degree requirements will be listed as your quarter of graduation.
  • The official record of your degree completion SPU的正式成绩单是什么.
  • 某些 信贷限制 申请学位.

The 2021–22 graduation requirements checklists

Refer to your 2021–22 checklist to ensure that you’re taking the required courses and 学分 you need to earn your degree in a timely manner.